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Tomato jam and goat cheese dill Flammkuchen

Some people call it “the German pizza” due to its popularity in Germany, but Flammkuchen (or tarte flambée in french) is a pie traditional from the French-German border regions that include Alsace and Lorraine in France and Saarland, Pfalz and Baden in Germany.

Using a thin bread dough made with just flour and water, it’s traditionally served with a spread of schmand, and topped with onions and bacon, but for this recipe I wanted to use the tomato and cacao jam I just prepared this week.

Tomato jam and goat cheese flamkuchen crackers


  • 100g all purpose flour
  • 60ml water
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 teaspoon dehydrated dill
  • 40g tomato and cacao jam
  • 40g goat cheese


  1. Mix together 100g all purpose flour, 60ml water, a pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon dehydrated dill (I dehydrate for less than an hour my own dill plants, but any dried dill will do) until an elastic dough has formed. Leave the dough to rest for 10 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven at 220ºC (~430ºF).
  3. Roll the dough as thin as possible (~1-2mm) in a baking tray. Spread tomato jam all over the surface of the dough. Add some crumbled goat cheese and top with more dried dill.
  4. Bake in the over for 5-10 minutes until the dough starts to darken. Since the dough is really thin I recommend to keep an eye constantly because the difference of time between done and burnt is really small.


  • Serving Full pie | Calories 479kcal
  • Fat 0.98g | Carbohydrates 76.31g | Protein 10.33g
  • Saturated Fat 0.16g | Trans Fat 0.5g | Cholesterol 0mg | Sodium 2.72g | Potassium 107.56mg | Dietary Fiber 2.7g | Sugars 0.27g

As an alternative to a big Flammkuchen, you can also cut the dough in small crackers and eat them plain or add extra flavor using seeds, more dill, etc.

Dill flammkuchen crackers
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