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Blue cheese and walnut whole wheat sandwich bread

Toasting two slices of whole wheat sandwich bread in the morning has become my new routine this 2020. That’s about 732 slices this year, so it made sense for me to start baking home my own sandwich loaf and, to make it more interesting, combine different flavors in each batch. First in line: blue cheese and walnuts.

This recipe is an add-on variation of my whole wheat sandwich bread dough and besides adding blue cheese and walnuts in the dough, I also decided to decorate and add some crunch and flavor using seeds (chia, flax and black sesame) on the top.

Blue Cheese Walnuts Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread


  • 450 g whole wheat flour
  • 85 g honey
  • 45 g unsalted butter
  • 7 g quick rise yeast (1 packet)
  • 7 g salt
  • 350 ml warm water
  • 50 g blue cheese
  • 50 g walnuts
  • Seeds for decoration (optional)


  1. Basic dough. Start with my basic whole wheat sandwich dough (this recipe includes the ingredients you will need) up to the first proof. After the first proof we will add some extra flavor to the bread here.
  2. Adding extra flavor to the dough. After the first proof, punch the air out of the dough on a slightly floured surface and spread the dough on a rectangle as wide as your bread tin. Spread 50 g of chopped walnuts and 50 g crumbled blue cheese over the whole dough surface.
  3. Second proof. Roll the dough into a long log making sure it stays as wide as your bread tin. Grease the tin and leave the dough inside to proof for additional 30-40 minutes until it doubles size again.
  4. Decoration. After the second proof, if you want to add extra seed flavor to the bread you can add some seeds on top of the dough (this week I used chia, flax and black sesame seeds)
  5. Baking. Preheat the oven at 175ºC (~350ºF) and leave the bread to bake for 30-40 minutes or until it’s brown and sounds shallow.

    Tin types:You can use an open bread tin and the dough will form a nice dome while growing, but for this recipe I use a tin with a lid that is helping the bread to stay on a nice cubic form with a consistent caramelization all around.


  • Serving size 2 slices (~60) | Calories 174 kcal
  • Fat 5g | Carbs 23g | Protein 3g
  • Cholesterol 7mg | Sodium 180mg | Potassium 128mg | Dietary Fiber 3g | Sugars 4g