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Beef Gözleme with goat cheese, kabocha squash and za’atar

Crispy outside with a soft, savory filling, Gözleme is one of the best flat bread dishes to eat on the go. I used to have one of the traditional beef, potato or spinach gözleme during my lunch break back in Berlin, so cooking gözleme home also brings some nice memories.

Beef Gözleme with goat cheese and kabocha suqash


  • Gözleme dough
    • 300g all purpose flour
    • 125ml water
    • 75ml milk
    • A pinch of salt
  • 100g ground beef
  • 50g kabocha squash puree
  • 50g goat cheese
  • 1 tsp za’atar


  1. Mix 125ml warm water and 75ml warm milk with a pinch of salt. Add the flour gradually while kneading until you get a smooth dough that doesn’t stick to your hands. Divide the dough into medium size balls and leave to rest in the fridge at least one hour. I like the gözleme when they are a bit gooey inside and I leave them on the fridge overnight or 12 hours, but with one hour resting should be enough.
  2. Cook the ground beef with some salt in a pan until it’s completely cooked and crumbly. Set aside.
  3. Roll one dough ball with a rolling pin as thin as possible. Keep stretching it with your fingers until it’s almost translucent. Add ground beef in the middle of the stretched dough, spread some kabocha squash puree and goat cheese. Sprinkle with za’atar and some olive oil
    Building Gözleme
  4. Fold the dough to cover the filling and close it like a pocket.
  5. Heat a cast iron skillet at high and place the gözleme. Leave it to cook until it turns golden brown or starts to charr (I like the gözleme when they are crisp and get some char smokiness). Repeat on the other side.


  • Calories 408kcal
  • Fat 8.08g | Carbohydrates 59.33g | Protein 22.06g
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